There are good people – then there are Angels.


Anyone who has read my posts – and 133000 plus have read my post about Joe’s death – will know I  love animals, including dogs. I’m not about to bore anyone with the why’s and wherefore’s as if you are reading this, chances are you love, or at the very least, have a respect and liking for dogs.

What I am about to do is ask you to follow the link.  It’s not spoof, spam, viral etc.  It’s simply a song, put together a while ago with the aim of raising funds and awareness for rescuers or our four legged, waggy tailed friends and companions.  It’s still important, they still need support….

K-9 Angels have come to my attention in recent months, mainly through adopting Joe’s ‘stepsister’ Annie from Romania.  I can hear some of you thinking  “Romania isn’t the only place in the world with stray dogs.”, and I agree.  If I could save the world, the animals of world would be a place to start.  We can’t save every last one – but we can support those who try to do their bit in their corner.

Listen to the song, watch the dogs, have a cry if you wish – and you then have the choice to share it, turn it off and sigh but move on, or even buy the track and donate if the moment takes you.  No one will think any worse of you or better of you whichever choice you make.  All I’d say is whatever choice you make, please say a personal thank you to those who are putting it out there to help those innocent animals our fellow humans are choosing to abuse and ignore – or worse.