Drop and roll doggy


Well, I think my doggy Annie is on fire – not in the quick learning kinda way.  Two walks this weekend and she’s practiced her “drop and roll” technique so much.. and it stinks…

Fox poo in mud = “ooo we’ll roll in that”.  Bird poo in mud = “oh yeah, that too.”  Oh and look – some dog pee on the path.  MUST drop and roll in that too.

Why do dogs do that?  I walked my lovely fluffy dog with her coat on, luckily, as she would have been covered (it’s easier to wash the coat!).

So there may not have been a fire but if ever there is, my Annie Baby will be ok if it gets her

Butter would melt in her mouth ......

Butter would melt in her mouth ……

, as long at there’s poo around too.