Mixed posts and mixed feelings……………..


This post is a mixture, not only of two stories I have been writing about but of my own mixed feelings.  I’m sure many readers will share this and understand where I’m coming from.

The first bit is easy, From a Photo to a Puppy (or two) – the continuing saga of seeing photos of puppies on a rescue site to the point where tomorrow I pick them up to foster one and adopt the other.

Tess josephine She’s the adopted, a brown bag of puppy that was kept in a dark cellar with her siblings in Romania to the point that they were very ill, undernourished and would have died.  Rescued by the lovely Dora of Asociatia Amicii Nostri Turda- Semper Fidelis, fed, cared for and loved, Tess and two brothers have thrived, all are being rehomed across Europe.  Sadly Josephine, the little sister was too weak, and despite being half way through her course of vaccinations died from the deadly Parvo virus.

Tess has had her share of problems, with a gastric bug and then Kennel Cough, but she received treatment from the awesome Nicu, a wonderful vet that assists Dora with everything “vetty”.  Tomorrow Tess’s life will change forever as she comes into a home for the first time in her short (4month) life and learns manners, obedience, family love, fun, trust and so on… We can’t wait.

Maiya 10488009_479374862197771_1972011068131731428_n was at a Public Shelter in Romania along with 18 others.  Dora rescued them all before they were put to sleep as the shelter was closing.  In Romania dogs are a pest not a pet.  Black ones are bad luck too apparently and Maiya is predominantly black. When I saw the 19 pups I knew I had to help and offered financial sponsorship for one, this one.  My stepdaughter convinced me to ask about fostering, possible adoption.  We looked at the options and when we found out that she was about the same age as Tess we decided to go ahead.  Fostering being the preference but if no one wanted her we’d keep her.  SOMEONE does want her, and so she will arrive tomorrow also, but we have the honour of socialising her, teaching her about home living, that cats aren’t lunch and shoes aren’t toys, then she can go on her way to her forever life with a lovely lady.

All is happy and puppified……….or so it would seem


This is all tainted by the fact that another dog I have sponsored just can’t get a home to go to.  I don’t know why.  He’s only 2.  Past the puppy chewing stage, eager to learn still, young enough to be fit and live for many years, old enough to be settled easily

.1526692_677383665677653_6663460059332561827_nBarclay was 8 weeks old when he was dumped and if not for Dora would have died or survived as a Romanian street-dog.  She took him in and for 2 years has cared for him.  He’s a waggy happy boy, social with other dogs, not noisy, and loves human company.  He truly deserves a home of his own, or at the very least a foster home so he can learn what real family life is all about before he finds his forever love.  

If I could have him I would, but 2 puppies, another female rescue dog, Annie, and two cats is the most I can do.

10599139_677383062344380_1013354206756260578_nWhat can I do more than post his story and pray that someone somewhere loves his picture the way I did Tess’s and that there’s a loving home for him in the world outside the Rescue Sanctuary known as Asociatia Amicii Nostri Turda- Semper Fidelis.  

If anyone reading does want him, or can foster him, fostering costs love and food only – but you must have had a homecheck before or be willing to have one done, for the sake of the dog.  Adoption is £220 – includes medications, vaccinations, passport and microchipping, plus transport.  What price is put on total devotion?  That’s the gift Barclay can and will give in return.  He is so worth it.

Dear Reader, if you have no room in your home, please have room in your heart and share this post so Barclay’s name gets out there and his Angel of Rescue can find him among the crowd.

From a photo to a puppy or two – the continuing saga


Well Readers

This is the week I’ve been waiting for. For those keeping up, I am to pick up on Saturday 16th TWO Romanian puppies.  These little girls were from 2 different situations but both ending up at the shelter know as Asociatia Amicii Nostri Turda- Semper Fidelis aged around 8 weeks old.

Dora, who runs the rescue centre posted pictures and we fell for Tess, later, needing sponsors per dog, we picked Maiya, sponsored and named her.  THEN, we offered to foster, maybe adopt her.  It will be foster though as the good news for her is that there’s a lady who wants to give her a happy forever home.  We can then foster another.

In the meantime, I eagerly watch posts on Facebook as to their progress.  Currently at Calais, awaiting transport across the water.

Tess (Front) and Maiya in transport pods on the way to the UK

Tess (Front) and Maiya in transport pods on the way to the UK

This is Tess (front) and Maiya in the transport pod on their way to the UK.











So folks, from a photo on a Facebook page, we are to soon be running around after TWO 4 month old puppies for a while… What an adventure awaits us…….

For the sake of All Creatures of Creation





Barclay- Border Collie needs a proper home.


barclay 060814Barclay. A two year old Border Collie male dog is still in a rescue centre in Romania.  Why?  Is he ugly or awkward or vicious or high on the medical needs list?  No!  These are reasons that most people secretly stash in their heart as veritable barbed wired fences against having certain dogs from a rescue.  Of course people don’t voice that but it’s true of some.  Barclay, however, hasn’t given anyone reason not to love him.  He’s a steady, waggy, happy dog who likes fresh air, sunshine and the human touch.  He doesn’t get any of it a lot. The rescue centre he’s in is awesome.  The people who work for the dogs love them all, but like any family, the more children you have the less attention each one gets.  

Barclay is loved all the same, there’s no doubt but he needs his own small family to become the special guy he really is.  

I sponsor him now, helping with food and meds costs.  Barclay NEEDS A HOME and I aim to get him one.  I’m fostering and adopting already but that doesn’t stop me wanting to help more of these dogs who need to get out of the country where the majority population still treat them like vermin.  If anyone wants to offer Barclay a home contact me and I’ll give you info how to get in touch with the rescue centre.  He will come vaccinated, microchipped, deflead, dewormed and has been neutured.

Barclay the day he was rescued.  Such a darling puppy.1526692_677383665677653_6663460059332561827_n

Barclay enjoying some summer sun and some company.
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T.O.R.A Rescue shelter to close – Dogs need homes Foster or Adopt

TORA will close.  This is indeed sad news for me but devastating for the dogs still left at the rescue shelter.  My beautiful Annie came from there.  Rescued off the street as a frightened puppy: Just look at her now.
TORA, like many other rescue shelters in Romania have been fighting against all odds to get dogs off the streets, and now out of the public shelters since the killing law has been passed.  Dogs are in public shelters for only a short time before they are put to sleep.  There are horrific stories and pictures around. Some may see it as practical, culling the population.  That’s a valid opinion but not one I and thousands upon thousands of dog/animal lovers can share.  
All TORA asks now though is for people to view the site on facebook or contact them and foster or adopt one of the remaining dogs.  If there are dogs left in October when they must close, then they will be returned to the public shelter to receive their fate.
EVEN IF YOU CANNOT HAVE A DOG YOURSELF, please share, someone somewhere will, and for each one that does, another beautiful dog is safe.  
They didn’t ask to be thrown on the streets.  They didn’t ask to be caste out like vermin.  All they want is a chance to have a human family and a life of kindness.
  • T.O.R.A. is a small non-profit dog rescue organization that is based in Bistrita, North of Romania (Transylvania). TORA is dedicated to the rescue and placement of stray dogs.

    We are an animal charity of 2-4 volunteers, with funds available only from public support, with a shelter of 20 spacious kennels, 11 indoor & outdoor and 9 only outdoors ones. We have a vet attending the dogs daily and a caretaker.

    All of our dogs get neutered, (with the exception of puppies under the age of 6 months old and very old dogs), vaccinated, microchipped , defleed and dewormed prior to adoption.

    T.O.R.A. shelter cares for the rescued dogs entirely from donations received from private people, that’s why there is a constant need of support whether its financial, material (food or medicine donations, beds, dog clothes, etc) or by sharing and promoting the dogs to find good homes so that space becomes available to help others .

    T.O.R.A. helps an average of 40-60 animals at any given time.

    Below is testament to how wonderful life can be with a Romanian dog in your life.  Annie is not only SMILEY, but she is adorable, funny, loving, caring, gentle, playful and so much more… And what better way to come home or wake up than to be greeted with a happy waggy tail and a big doggy smile followed by some kisses.  And you get all of that for a treat or two, a walk a dog and some dinner.  

From a photo to a puppy (or two) 24/07/2014


Well, there’s a buzz in the air in this house and it’s not just the odd errant wasp flying through the window. I’m going to be a mum to twins very soon.

Late Tuesday I got the message that Tess has recovered from kennel cough and had received her rabies vax. SO she and Maiya will be travelling to the UK 12th August as planned and we will be able to collect both babies from 16th.

We’ve organised rest days, confirmed holidays and I’ve been baby shopping today… not the boottees and mittens kind.  Today one extra slip lead (always best for pups/dogs you’re unfamiliar with and especially escapee skilled Romanian street dogs).  Also, toys, extra treats – as the 2 boxes and 4 bags may not be enough – we have bags and tins of extra food. Annie is on adult food but they’ll need puppy stuff.  All we need a couple of pot bowls.  

Travel cage is coming out of the shed tomorrow, towels are washed and piled… all ready to go.

I haven’t seen the pups (photos or video) for a while now but we’re so excited…….

…. to that end I’ll be including Annie in all changes, showing her leads and bowls, though she’s not at all possessive, and I’ll have nothing more to report, unless I can get some more photos, until we get them home… so… from Me, the family, the cats and Annie…watch this space10412041_664490046967015_2691348609544462230_n

From a photo to a puppy (or two) 21/07/2014


Well, a few days since my last post and not everything is hunky dory…

Maiya the little angel has had all her jabs, and is ready to go.  She’s the one we intended to foster.  Tess, however, our “Adopted” choice, not so good.  One of four puppies to get kennel cough and now it’s a waiting game to see if she’s well enough tomorrow to have her jabs so she’s clear to travel with Maiya.

10452291_657687650994662_2606854094583311106_n  Little Maiya is the one front right

The worries I have are a) if she can’t travel with Maiya then we will have 2 pups weeks apart which could unnerve Annie, just as she’s getting used to one, and the balance will be all wrong: b) we’ll have to do twice the 5 + hour round trip to collect each pup which isn’t the best plan in the world and c) which is probably actually my biggest worry, Tess is ill for the second time albeit minor but her immune system is obviously weaker than Maiya’s and it was Tess’s little sister that died recently due to parvo, because she was too weak to fight it, despite care and some of her vaccinations already having taken place.

SO, if Tess doesn’t make the flight we have some decisions to make.  I’m of the mind that although we took to Tess in photo’s we’ve never met her and the bond is ethereal rather than actual so we could adopt Maiya rather than foster. We could wait and see if the split timing eventually works.  We could adopt Maiya and foster another pup or the other way around.   

So from a photo to a puppy or two may become from a photo to some different dogs… LOL.  

Fingers crossed for Tess and what will be will be…………..

From a photo to a puppy (or two) 16/04/2014


Well not a lot is happening – nothing but the waiting game at the moment.  We keep talking to Annie about Tess so she gets used to the name 0 and now her ears prick up when we say “where’s Tess?”.  Quite sweet really.

Whilst nothing else much is happening I am helping set up items for an online auction for https://www.facebook.com/amiciinostri to help dogs like the one in the picture newly rescued

why not have a look and see what’s up for grabs https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.664165540332799.1073742171.580398328709521&type=1

If you look at the page it will explain what we aim to achieve for the rescued dogs in the centre… so worth while.

I did a sample of some poetry I am offering for bids – a personalised poem for your dog…. seems to be getting a lot of positives.



From a photo to a puppy (or two) 11th July update


First and foremost in this post I want to share the news that one of Tess’s siblings, little “Josephine” has sadly died today.  josephine



Josephine was one of the two small puppies in the litter of four that was rescued (Remy, Tess, Josephine and Gabriel), and although she has received most of her vaccinations, including two against Parvo, the fact that she was tiny and started life so undernourished and uncared for meant that her defenses were not 100% and Parvo got the better of her. Dora, who runs the rescue centre in Romania – 

Asociatia Amicii Nostri Turda- Semper Fidelis

– did all she could but when this thing takes hold even in the UK there’s often only a 50/50 chance of recovery….So, many of us are saying goodnight to another sweet little life.  At least because of Dora little Joesphine knew a lot of love, a full belly and fresh air and playtime, during the latter few weeks of her very short life.  

As for “my two” as far as I know they are fit and well.  After Tess had a worrying bout of gastro problems I became concerned but she seems to have got over it.  Unlike her little sister, Tess is la10412041_664490046967015_2691348609544462230_nrger and more robust so more fight from the inside. 

This is Tess (left) and Maiya – who will come to me around 16th August.

Tess is definitely going to be adopted by us, and we still can’t decide about Maiya. We’ll wait and see.  



Annie is doing well and has no idea how lucky she is to have all of our attention at the moment, but I am sure she’ll enjoy having playmates around to play in her own ‘language’.  

2014-05-05 09.16.48

We wondered, as they’re all Romanian, will they bark in Romanian 🙂  

We’ve almost conquered the rain panic…almost.  All this girl needed ever was a little love and a little therapy and kindness.  She’s becoming a very proud, loving, adoring, funny and wonderful companion….and we hope that Tess and Maiya will learn very quickly how life can be so happy if ther chance is there.

But I mustn’t crow about Annie as this blog is for Tess, and Maiya, and today, little Joesphine.

So again, “goodnight sweetheart” to Joesphine and (((HUGS))) to Dora who is devasted if ever she loses one of her doggies … they might all be strays and rescues but to her they are her life and her reason for doing what she does.   
